
Here are links to some of the groups we work with and other sources of information.

  • Breaking the Silence Network Breaking the Silence (BTS) is a Maritimes-based solidarity network that works in solidarity with the CCDA and other groups in Guatemala. In partnership with the coffee roasting cooperative Just-US, BTS distributes Cafe Justicia in the Maritimes under the label “BTS Coffee”. See their blog posts on Cafe Justicia.
  • Campesino Committee of the Highlands The Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) website contains information on the movement’s activities and projects including Cafe Justicia. If you read Spanish, visit the CCDA’s blog for regular updates on the organization’s development projects and social struggle in the Guatemalan highlands.
  • Education in Action/Cafe Justicia – Ottawa Education in Action (EIA) is BC CASA’s sister organization in Ottawa. In addition to being the principal distributor for Ontario and Quebec of Cafe Justicia coffee, EIA organizes work brigades that travel to CCDA villages to assist with building projects. The group also carries out educational activities in the Capital Region regarding Fair Trade Plus, the social struggle in Guatemala.
  • H.I.J.O.S. – Guatemala H.I.J.O.S. is a political-cultural organization of children and other relatives of the disappeared. A portion of profits from Cafe Justicia sales support the H.I.J.O.S. chapter in Guatemala.
  • Rights Action Rights Action is a multi-faceted community development, environmental and human rights organization that supports community-based organizations in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and El Salvador. The group also helps build north-south alliances and carries out education, political and legal work for global equality and justice, for global human rights, the environment and a just “development” model.
    Rights Action has a strong focus on mining issues and is an excellent source for information regarding Canadian mining companies in Guatemala and other Central American countries.

And some great posts on Cafe Justicia from across Canada and beyond:

And Cafe Justicia in the news: