Café Justicia Roasters’ Tour – Sold out!

Meet producers, learn how Café Justicia is harvested and processed and see the impact of Fair Trade Plus in Mayan farmers’ communities. Cafe Justicia is organizing a tour to Guatemala January 20-28, 2024 for Canadian roasters interested in learning more about the people who produce this specialty coffee. Participants will visit CCDA cooperatives and farms,… Continue reading Café Justicia Roasters’ Tour – Sold out!

Conversation with producers of Cafe Justicia

An excellent conversation with Campesino Committee of the Highlands’ (CCDA) Cafe Justicia reps Wilson Tzunun and Neydi Morales about the production of Cafe Justicia’s high quality, solidarity trade organic coffee and the impact of the pandemic on coffee producing communities affiliated with the CCDA in Guatemala. The first seven minutes are spent sorting out translation… Continue reading Conversation with producers of Cafe Justicia